Saturday, January 14, 2012

How to Make Your Stories Better

You've written a draft of your story now what comes next?  The revision process!!  So far I've rewritten my novel three times.  The first draft was to just get the story down; in my second draft I incorporated research I needed to make my story believable; during my third draft I went back and expanded the plot and looked at all the relationships in my story.  Some writers even do a draft just for looking at dialogue!

I read Walter Mosley, Stephen King's books on the rewriting process. Rewriting really helps you clean up inconsistencies in your story and it also helps you create more interesting dialogue and build better plot sequences.  There's no telling how many revisions you'll need before your story is ready to submit for a contest or to an agent.  I plan to write my last draft after the show my novel to a bunch of trusted friends; some of those friends are writers, while a few just love reading books.

Once I get their feedback, I'll do my "final draft" and then send it out to agent and publishers.  It's pretty scary having having people read your "baby"; most people who aren't writers could never imagine how much hard works goes into writing but sooner or later someone will have to read your story, so why not "test" it out on a few friends first?  Don't forget it revise it a few times before you send it out.

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